So there is this video I have found on Youtube today. A lot of people might think that the video is rather inappropriate or anything, but come on you guys, this is just for fun. Give someone a break and instead of grinding about it, why don't you just join us and laugh.
The video was all about a man cheating on his wife. Right after the unlawful act, he realizes that it is time for him to go home and meet his wife. He hurried out of bed and instructed the young lady he did it with to put grass on his shoes. Right after that he rushed home just in time to meet his wife on the door. He then tells the woman HONESTLY what just happened. The wife, noticing the grass on his shoes does not buy the story. She fixated on the idea that his husband forgot to have lunch with her because he was playing golf. Oh what a laughing stock that was.
So yeah, one does not simply win an argument with a woman. Whether you're telling the truth or not, man really cannot win arguing with a woman particularly if she's your wife. But going back to the video, why cheat to your wife? When you can bring her to places like this to fulfill your golfing urges on a splendid golf course at the same time strengthening your relationship with the love of your life.
Media credits:
Video from Youtube
Photo from